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Hybrid working

Authored by : Dr.Damodar Rai

Hybrid Work

People and Work preferences :

Should be face-to-face : 

Companies that make work at the location compulsory . 

Companies that make work at the locations compulsory will increase productivity by reducing absenteeism.

Physical office is mandatory for some companies, but not others.Compulsory working hours( office time ) are 8am to 6pm Monday to Friday.

Benefits of hybrid work:

Reduces the number of employees needed in a company.

Can reduce the amount of time spent commuting

Prefer to be face-to-face:

Some prefer to face to face whilst giving the work from home option as well . around goals.Leadership development opportunities available to all staff.

Some people choose to work from home because they want to spend more time with their family. Others may feel more productive working from home than they do in an office environment. Whatever your reason for choosing to work from home, you need to make sure you’re doing so safely. Here’s what you should look out for when you decide to work from home.

Hybrid of virtual & face-to-face :

These companies choose both the options , working face to face at the work place / location for twice or thrice a week and the rest of the days would be work from home . 

A hybrid of virtual and face-to-face meetings is a great way to connect with clients and prospects. This method allows for both parties to be in different locations while still having a productive meeting. If you’re looking for ways to increase sales and grow your business, then a hybrid approach could help you achieve these goals.

Works well anywhere: 

This is majorly fro employees who are comfortable working from anywhere , wether face to face or at the work location 

It works everywhere. The only thing you need to be aware of is that when you use remote workers, they must be able to communicate effectively with each other. If you have a team of 10 people, then you should have a minimum of 2 hours per week dedicated for communication.

Works best virtually:

This works best for individuals who are comfortable and can perform better when working from home 

This works best for individuals who can work from home. If you’re looking for a job, then this may be a bad fit. But if you want to start your own business, then this could be great!

Staying connected: practical tips

Virtual :

  • Special interest groups/community for the team 
  •  Virtual Wellness activities (Nutrition, Virtual Yoga)
  • Join a guild that’s of interest to you
  • Join additional community engagement virtual programs . 
  • There are some amazing training opportunities which are done collectively – use these as a networking opportunity as well as development.

The most important thing is to find something that works for you! If you don’t like it, try another one. It’s not rocket science. Find what works best for you.

COVID-19 pandemic has changed everything and we are now forced to adapt our lifestyles to new realities. We can no longer rely on our usual methods of communicating and working. In this post I am going to discuss how we can stay connected during COVID-19 lockdown.

Remote employees have been working remotely for years but there are many challenges associated with it. Many organizations are struggling to keep up with the pace of change and ensure that their remote teams remain effective and efficient.

Face-to-face :

  • Cultural events
  • Volunteering activities
  • Join your or other office / county recreation clubs
  • Monthly company gathering/activities
  • Team building days / activities 

1. Office space in Toronto has been on the rise over the past few years. Here are some of the best places to work in the city!

2. There are many different types of offices available in Toronto. Find out what they offer and why you should consider working there!

3. Toronto’s office market has seen an increase in demand for office space over the last several years. 

Company culture is affected when management has a high level of engagement with employees. When managers do not engage with employees, they tend to be less engaged themselves, which leads to lower performance.

The office employee is a person who works for the company, but has no ownership stake. They work at the company’s headquarters, and they do not receive any shares of stock. This means that the office employee receives a salary from the company, but he/she cannot sell his/her shares back to the company. Instead, the company pays dividends to shareholders.

An appropriate office schedule depends on what kind of work you do. If you are working from home, then you should be able to set up your workspace how you want. However, if you need to meet clients or colleagues, then you may need to work at certain times.

Hybrid :

Make sure everyone who is participating remotely has access to the side chat so they don’t miss out on any important discussions.

Get Involved In Digital Marketing And Tech Skills And Tools

If you want to learn something new, there’s no better way than by doing it yourself. You’ll get hands on experience and build confidence in your skillset. Hybrid teams  are teams where members come together in person once every 2 weeks. These meetings allow team members to:

Connect more effectively

Share ideas and information

Build relationships and trust

Plan future projects 

The more you practice, the easier it becomes.

Here are some examples of digital marketing tools that will help you grow your business online:

Google Analytics – This tool helps you track your website traffic, conversions, etc. It also provides insights into how visitors interact with your site. Google AdWords – A great tool for

A hybrid work environment is one where some employees work from home while others work in the office. The benefits of having a hybrid work environment include increased productivity, reduced stress levels, and better communication between co-workers. However, the challenges of a hybrid work environment include managing employee expectations, ensuring compliance with local laws, and dealing with potential conflicts between remote workers and those who still prefer to work in the office.

A hybrid workplace is a combination of a regular office environment with flexible working hours, such as a 9am – 6pm Monday to Friday work week, with some days off and additional hours for meetings. The idea behind a hybrid workplace is to provide flexibility to employees who need to balance family life with their career.

Hybrid work models are a combination of different work arrangements. They include both full-time employment and self-employment. The main difference between these two types of work arrangements is that in the former, employers provide benefits such as health insurance and retirement plans while in the latter, they do not. However, some people prefer working for themselves rather than having a boss.

A hybrid model can take many forms. One example would be an employer offering part-time work (i.e., 40 hours per week) and flexible scheduling options. Another example would be an independent contractor offering services through a platform like Upwork.

​​Making it work: practical tips

Managing blended working modes : 

As such, there will be far less occasions when everyone will be together at once, so we know that it may sometimes feel difficult.

Everyone has a part to play in making sure that people feel included at their workplace regardless if they’re physically present or not.

Make sure the basic technical aspects of the meeting (such as whether the technology works) are taken care of before moving onto anything else.

If there’s something else anyone wants to say, ask them directly so they don’t feel like their contribution isn’t important enough to share.

When planning for meetings, consider using tools like Trello boards, agendas, etc., so people know who’s going to attend and why they need to be there.

Those who spend more time in the office should not have an advantage over those who spend less :

You should be concerned primarily with the outcome rather than the output.A good manager doesn’t look at what gets done but looks at what can be done.

The office worker is someone who works for a company, and has a desk job. They usually work 9 hours per day, 5 days per week. They may also be required to work overtime, which means they do not sleep at night.

 It’s OK to delegate tasks to others because ultimately, you are responsible for the outcomes.

Making really clear commitments at the beginning of the year; keeping track of progress by meeting up regularly and asking for feedback from others are all things that you can use to ensure that you’re making an impact regardless of where you are working.

Avoiding sub-cultures :

When we divide people into categories like “workers” and “non-workers,” we often end up creating artificial barriers among them instead of helping them understand

Arrange social connections so they’re both online and offline.

When working remotely, start conversations with people who prefer a different work mode than yours. Find out why they like their current way of doing things and see if there’s anything you could learn from each other.

In order for people to feel included, they need to be able to communicate with each other through different means such as phone calls, text messages, emails, etc.

Different roles have different needs :

In general, some jobs require less face-​​to-​​face interaction than others; but none of them require too much in person interaction.

If roles require strong communication skills, people management abilities, or project leadership experience, they’re likely to benefit from having regular meetings in person.

Managing mental health/wellbeing :

It can sometimes be harder for us to notice if our friends aren’t feeling well because we’re not seeing them so frequently.

If someone asks if they’re doing something right, consider asking them whether they feel OK. It could be an easy way for you to check up on their well-being without having to ask directly.

The personal life of a person is usually divided into three parts: private, professional, and public. Private life includes all activities related to family, hobbies, and interests. Professional life refers to work-related activities such as job duties, education, and training. Public life is about engaging in community activities, volunteering, and other forms of civic engagement.

Supporting those at different stages in their career :

We know that virtual teams can help people get ahead faster than they would otherwise be able to if they were stuck at an office desk for eight hours every day.

If you’re at this point, be honest with your team about how you need them to support you.

Reach out to people within your organization who may be further along in their careers than you are and see if they would like some help supporting their own growth.

Team stages:

Forming :

  • The majority team members have been with the team for less than 6 months.
  • Team members are not yet clear on roles and responsibilities as a result of a recent restructure or significant changes in the team.
  • Team may have a new leader.
  • Team OKRs/goals are not yet established.
  • Some team members may be joining REA early in their careers and might need coaching and mentoring.
  • Leader may have a new starter and needs to assist them get settled or introduce them to other key people at REA.

Storming :

  •  Roles and responsibilities are clear among most of the team.
  • Ways of working and rituals may not yet be fully embedded.
  • Team members may have a lot of unanswered questions about the purpose of the team or what they are working on.
  • Team need support with prioritisation.

Norming :

  • Team know one another well. They are able to ask for support when needed.
  • Team members have high trust with each other and open to providing and receiving constructive feedback.
  • Commitments are strongly aligned with team OKRs.
  • Strong appreciation for each others’ differences in the team and ability to lean in. 

Performing :

  • Roles and responsibilities are well defined and understood.
  • Team OKRs are widely known and understood.
  • Structures, processes and ways of working are embedded.
  • High performing, successful team.
  • Team able to work with minimal support from leader.
  • Stakeholder feedback also reflects that the team is high performing.
  • Team is able to perform to a high standard despite complexity of work or ambiguity 

Frequently Asked Questions:

The value of hybrid work?

Is that we can use different methods in our research projects. We can use all kinds of methods to get the best results. In this case, we have used the combination of qualitative and quantitative approaches. This approach has been very effective for us because we have got the best result.

 What is the hybrid workplace model?

  • The hybrid workplace model combines elements of both traditional and flexible work models.
  • It can be used in any industry.
  • It allows employees to choose their own hours and schedule.
  • Employees who use it report that they enjoy flexibility while still having job security.
  • It’s especially useful when you have a large workforce with different needs.

Here’s What You Need to Know (and Ask) if Your Company’s Considering a Hybrid Work Setup?

  • What is a hybrid work setup?
  • How do I prepare my employees for it?
  • How can I make sure that they’re comfortable with this new arrangement?
  • What will be different about their workday?

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Dr. Damodar-Rai

Dr.Damodar Rai

Graduate, Post Graduate and Doctorate from IIT, BHU Dr. D. Rai has more than 46 years of research & academic experience. His career spans across the industry and academia from playing the role of Head of Department at Research & Development Center for Iron and Steel to being the Director for reputed management colleges. He has published 65 research papers and filed 5 patents and 7 copyrights. He plays the role of an Advisor and Chief Mentor at Ripples Learning.

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