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What is Quick Learning and How to Prepare a Road Map to Be a Quick Learner

Authored by : Dr.Damodar Rai

The statement “what is quick learning and how to prepare a road map to be a quick learner” is very relevant in modern times. It facilitates excellence in learning and helps to succeed in life.

Learning has been defined as the knowledge that you get from studying. It may also be defined as the process of making a new knowledge/skill, an intrinsic part of your personality by conscious effort through studies and executing the same by actual practices. The learning may also occur unconsciously, while experiencing some event or any facet of life.

Definition of ‘quick learning’

As per Wikipedia, learning is the process of acquiring new or modifying existing knowledge, behaviors, skills, values or preferences. Some learning is immediately induced by a single event, like learning after burning your fingers. However, skill and knowledge accumulate from repeated experiences.

As per, quick learning depends on quick comprehension and breaking down an event into small, easily digestible chunks. It may be noted here that each individual is different from the other in personality, traits and speed of learning. Some may learn things quickly, while others may take time to learn.

But anyone can develop and improve their learning capability through a well laid-out strategy. As per, for being a fast learner, it is absolutely essential to be a good listener. Such a quality helps in better team building also. defines the quick or fast learner as the one, who is able to grasp a new concept quickly and efficiently.

Such persons process and apply the concept in an expeditious manner to complete a work. As per, fast learning capability may be developed by changing one’s habits, change management is crucial when it comes to learning something quickly.

If you scan the literature on fast learning, you will find that it is simply enormous. However, our effort should be to provide a concise brief guide to be a quick learner.

1.Preparation of a leaning road map

Preparing or deciding a learning map is the first step towards quick learning. However, asking three questions to yourself “Why”, ”What” and “How” is very pertinent, as their answers may help to decide the road map of learning.

2.Why do you want to learn?

Before preparing the learning map, you must be clear whether the learning and development is for intrinsic purposes or for building up skills to enhance career. For example, if one wants to learn Sanskrit, so that they may unlock the knowledge of ancient Hindu scriptures, it may come under category of intrinsic purposes, especially if this is not the regular job being done by them.

But, if one wants to learn leadership skills, to go up the ladder, this is non-intrinsic and may be termed as need-based learning. Some experts call the second one as Instrumental Learning also. In both the cases, making short and long term goals are very important. In nutshell, freezing goal is very important, along with clear cut milestones, for preparing a road map for quick learning.

However, before starting the process, it is essential to know the opinion of experts or people of that area by resorting to communication with them, through interviews, emails or correspondences. This is essential in both the “intrinsic” or “instrumental” projects.

In the “instrumental” project, the expert may point out some other skill, which may be beneficial for enhancing the career, in lieu of the one, being considered by you. In the intrinsic project also, one needs to consult an expert to save time and money, especially if you want to do it through an educational institution. In that case, the curriculum, time frame of the institute should be in coherence with the learning plan of the individual, along with time and money aspects.

3.What do you want to learn?

What refers to the knowledge and abilities one will need to acquire in order to be successful. The first step to do this is to start looking at how the knowledge in the subject concerned is structured.

A good way to do this is to write on a sheet of paper, the things to learn, under 3 categories: Concepts, Facts and Procedures.

Concepts are the things which needs be understood. Facts are the things, that needs be memorized. Procedures are anything which needs be practiced.

This may be better explained by example of Sanskrit learning. Concept is grammar which one should understand. The form of words may be termed as facts, which needs to be memorized. Combining grammar and words to make sentences comes under procedure and this needs practice.

After having finished the above exercise, the next task is to identify the most challenging aspects, which may prove to be a bottleneck. Then how to overcome the bottleneck should be the next step, if you want to be a quick learner.

4. How do you want to learn?

How refers to the resources, environment and methods, which will be used while learning. In brief it entails “How are you going to learn it?”

For this, two methods have been suggested:

  • Benchmarking methods
  • Emphasis/exclusion methods

In benchmarking method, one learns the subject by adopting the common ways in which people learn the skill. Emphasis / exclusion method involves first finding of areas of study that align with the most urgent goals.

For example, if one is learning “French” before going to Paris, pronunciation should be the first priority, rather than spellings and grammar, etc. People do the jobs first, which are conveniently done and are comfortable. This will lead you to nowhere.

5. Preparation of short term and long term goals and their vetting with learning road map

Based on the answer to the three questions enunciated above, the quick learner should prepare a road map of learning and vet it with their short and long term goals.

One of the most common mistakes committed by quick learning aspirants is that they start learning with whatever method is available to them, without going into details of expected outcomes, or an analysis of the fact, whether their goal may be realized or not.

In such a situation, making of road map of learning must include the following also.

  • Enunciation of the clear cut objectives of learning
  • Framing of SMART (Specific, Measurable, Realistic and Time bound) goals
  • Activity schedule or milestones related to these goals
  • A mechanism for self monitoring of the above

A carefully prepared road map, based on the analysis, may definitely help you to be a quick learner.

Quick learners are know to use Learning techniques and Learning strategies which help them learn quicker and better.

Quick Learners can be classified into two groups:

  • Those who have natural ability to learn quickly.
  • Those who need to develop the ability to learn quickly.

There are different types of  learners they use different learning.

Learning styles, Learning techniques and Learning strategies to improve their skills and knowledge.

  • Visual learners: They rely on visuals, such as charts, diagrams, pictures, etc., to understand the subject. This type of learner learns best when they see things visually.
  • Auditory learners: These learners like to listen rather than watch or read. They prefer listening over reading.
  • Kinesthetic learners: These learners like doing things. They can do it by themselves or with other people.
  • Tactile learners: These learners like touching and feeling objects. They like being close to things.
  • Logical learners: These learners like logical explanations and arguments. They like to know why something works. employee training and development is important  for any organization.

Organizations should invest time and money to train employees so that they can perform at peak levels.

In this video we will discuss about quick learning and how to prepare a road map to become a quick learner.

Learning is an ongoing process. It starts from birth and continues throughout life. organizational change management is one of the critical elements in achieving success in today’s competitive market place.

The key to successful organizational change management is effective communication. Communication plays a major role in successful implementation of any strategy.

Communication is basically the transfer of information from one person to another, either verbally or non-verbally. Choosing your learning path depends on your learning style.

Different people learn differently. Some learn by watching others, some learn by doing, while some learn through reading. Each person has his own way of learning.

To learn faster, you must first identify what you want to learn. Then you must decide what method you will use to learn .Meaningful learning can improve basic knowledge increase learning skills and enhance problem solving abilities.

Learning is not just about acquiring new knowledge but also about changing attitudes, values and beliefs. The goal of learning is to enable individuals to make changes in their lives.

So if you want to become a quick learner then try these tips.

  • Learn more and more.
  • Read books and articles.
  • Watch videos and documentaries.
  • Attend classes online.
  • Start working on projects.
  • Take tests.
  • Practice and practice and practice.
  • Study hard.
  • Study smart.
  • Use flashcards.

Job applications are very common nowadays. Candidates apply for jobs using job application forms. Sometimes there might be multiple rounds of interviews before final selection.

Interviewing is one of the most crucial steps in hiring someone for a particular position. Good interviewing skills help candidates stand out among the crowd.

Frequently asked questions :

How can I improve my learning skills quickly?

  • Read books and articles on topics you’re interested in.
  • Take notes and practice writing down key points.
  • Use an app that helps you learn vocabulary.
  • Get feedback from friends and family.

How do you become a speed learner?

  • You have to practice.
  • You need to learn how to keep track of information.
  • You need a good memory.
  • You should be able to memorize facts about yourself and others. 

What’s the best way for you to study ?

  • Use flashcards.
  • Practice with a partner.
  • Read ahead in the textbook.
  • Write down key words and phrases.  |   |

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Dr. Damodar-Rai

Dr.Damodar Rai

Graduate, Post Graduate and Doctorate from IIT, BHU Dr. D. Rai has more than 46 years of research & academic experience. His career spans across the industry and academia from playing the role of Head of Department at Research & Development Center for Iron and Steel to being the Director for reputed management colleges. He has published 65 research papers and filed 5 patents and 7 copyrights. He plays the role of an Advisor and Chief Mentor at Ripples Learning.

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